
These are not commercial endorsements. This page is curated to contain references to beautiful and precious information.

Ron Silliman’s Blog – Ron Silliman is one of the key figures of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry set. He started a blog in 2002 and it quickly became one of the major traffic control points for happenings in contemporary poetics. He used to post long lists of news links and inventories of recently published books worthy of note. His interest in the project may be waining a bit. These days he mostly posts reading videos from youtube and notices of poet friends who have passed away. Occasionally he’ll drop a glorious linkgasm that will keep you occupied for days.

UbuWeb – A point of distribution for Avant-Garde expression. Founded by Kenneth Goldsmith around the beginning of the Web, it is one of the best curated collections of cultural artifacts that exists anywhere.

Jujutsu with Žižek – This kid from Germany posts obsessively about theory on his tumblr blog. He reads daily and posts about his readings once in the afternoon and once in the evening. The rest of the time he’s posting art and other meaningful things he encounters in the culture. He’s like a prizm who renders mind-blowing shades from the banal milieu that surrounds him.

Spork Press – Publishes writing created from explosive thinking. Writers tend to be young and audacious. Information on this site’s blog is organized into one of four categories: fiction, poetry, news, or fighting. .

Google Sightseeing – Two brothers from the UK post interesting sightings from Google Streetview and Google Earth. I use them occasionally as a travel agent for my daydream road trips.

Porkchop Bob Illusrated – Collection of work from artist and illustrator Brett Underhill. He has a distinct style: cinematic and very playful.

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TodayILearned forum on reddit – A communal depository of startling information.

HTMLGIANT – An “internet literature magazine blog” put out by a cadre of very capable poets.

noPearch – An experimentative reading series featuring a number of good writers delivering their work in unusual places.

Really Interesting Group – An Artists’ collective in London which is practicing a new kind of aesthetic.

notgames – In their own words: «This is an exploration of what’s moving and enchanting and fascinating in software applications, videogames and procedural arts, beyond the amusement offered by obeying rules and receiving rewards.»

The Memory Palace – A blog and podcast of odd, sensational history.